14th of December 2013 to 26th of January 2014

Inauguration: 13th of December 2013 at 7 p.m.
Exhibition period: 14th of December 2013 to 26th of January 2014
Opening hours: Tue - Fri 3 p.m. - 6 p.m. and Sat - Sun 10 a.m. - 12.a.m.
At the end of the year 2013 the Museum Association of Bunico/Bruneck shows the interested visitors a wide range of young contemporary art of South Tyrolean and Austrian artists.
The Association has invited artists like Oswald Auer, Isolde Christandl, Werner Moser Dorfmann, Tomas Eller, Siggi Hofer, Irene Hopfgartner, Matthias Lautner, Sissa Micheli, Giovanni Rindler, Esther Stocker, Brigitte Trieb and Linda Wolfsgruber to exhibit a selection of their work at the City Museum of Brunico/Bruneck.
Most of the South Tyrolean artists are working far from their home and therefore take advantage of the opportunity to look on things from the outside. By using different techniques they express various topics with very personal artistic material and forms, which are often connected to the biography of the artist.
The exhibition at the City Musem of Bruneck gives the artists the possibility to develop without limits. They can create new art or present already existing works.