GIOVANNI RINDLER - Corpora humana

Opening: Friday, March 18th, 7 pm

Duration of the exhibition: 19.03-23-04.2022

Heads, bodies, torsi: in his sculptures and drawings, Giovanni Rindler explores the image of the human, his manifold appearances and movements. The refined interplay of stereometric forms renders the depicted figures light-footed, almost floating, despite their abundant volume.

Rindler's love for symmetry, his search for balance and his play with the human form shown from different angles are to be discovered in this exhibition.

Born 1958 in Bruneck

1974-79 Wood sculptor apprenticeship and journeyman's period in Gröden

1979-81 Master school for sculpture in Graz with Josef Pillhofer

1982-86 Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna with Joannis Avramidis

Since 1986 freelance artist, lives and works in Vienna

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